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Waarom werkt het gewichtsverlies met Mounjaro® (Tirzepatide) langzaam?

Tirzepatide (Mounjaro®) leidt tot geleidelijke gewichtsafname door het activeren van GLP-1 en GIP receptoren. Dit proces duurt langer vanwege metabolische aanpassingen, langzame dosisverhoging en individuele variaties. Combinatie met een gezond dieet en lichaamsbeweging versnelt de resultaten, vooral bij diabetespatiënten. Geduld en consistentie zijn essentieel.


Mounjaro® (Tirzepatide) offers a unique approach to weight loss by activating both GLP-1 and GIP receptors. While effective, the weight loss achieved with this medication is often gradual. This article explores why this process takes time and provides insights into the underlying mechanisms and contributing factors.

Description of Findings

1. Mechanisms and Metabolic Adaptations: Tirzepatide reduces appetite and improves glucose control, but its effects develop gradually. Research published in Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders shows that weight loss spans several months due to metabolic adaptations that slow progress as the body adjusts to lower energy intake [1].

2. Slow Dosing Titration: To minimize side effects such as nausea, Tirzepatide starts at a low dose, gradually increasing over weeks. This approach, outlined in Endocrine, slows weight loss initially but ensures better long-term adherence [2].

3. Lifestyle Interventions and Individual Variations: Patients combining Tirzepatide with lifestyle changes experience faster results. A study in Diabetes Care highlights that regular exercise and a calorie-restricted diet are crucial for maximizing effectiveness [3]. However, individual responses vary depending on metabolic health and behavioral factors.

4. Population Differences: People with type 2 diabetes tend to lose weight more quickly than those without, according to findings in The New England Journal of Medicine [4]. This is attributed to differences in glucose sensitivity and insulin action.

5. Psychological and Behavioral Factors: Gradual weight loss can also be influenced by psychological factors such as motivation and expectations. Patient Preference and Adherence reports that frustration over slow results underscores the need for behavioral support [5].

Tabel 1: Wetenschappelijke Tabel – Belangrijkste Bevindingen

Study Subject Results Side Effects or Outcomes
[1] Metabolic adaptations post weight loss Lower metabolic rate slows weight loss No severe side effects reported
[2] Dosing titration and effectiveness Slow weight loss due to gradual titration Reduced nausea
[3] Combination with lifestyle interventions Faster weight loss with diet and exercise No significant side effects
[4] Population differences Faster weight loss in patients with diabetes Up to 2% greater weight loss
[5] Psychological impact on weight loss Slow results impact motivation Frustration as common complaint

Tabel 2: Take-home Messages voor Cliënten

Study Practical Conclusions
[1] Slow weight loss is normal; patience pays off.
[2] Gradual dosing reduces side effects.
[3] Healthy diet and exercise accelerate weight loss.
[4] Diabetic patients typically see faster results.
[5] Stay motivated; results improve with consistency.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The gradual weight loss with Tirzepatide results from balanced dosing schedules, metabolic adaptations, and individual variations. While the process may be frustrating, it offers benefits like improved adherence and long-term outcomes. Patients are encouraged to combine lifestyle interventions with treatment for maximum benefit.


  1. Risk of major adverse cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality under treatment with GLP-1 RAs or the dual GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist tirzepatide. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. 2024, Link.
  2. Efficacy and safety of once-weekly tirzepatide for weight management compared to placebo. Endocrine. 2024, Link.
  3. Predictors of ≥15% weight reduction and associated changes in cardiometabolic risk factors with tirzepatide in adults with type 2 diabetes in SURPASS 1–4. Diabetes Care. 2023, Link.
  4. Tirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2022, Link.
  5. The body weight reducing effects of tirzepatide in people with and without type 2 diabetes. Patient Preference and Adherence. 2024, Link.

Beantwoord door

Celine Jansen

Celine Jansen

Arts gespecialiseerd in gewichtsmanagement en obesitaszorg. Met haar medische expertise helpt ze patiënten gezond gewicht te bereiken en hun algehele gezondheid te verbeteren door middel van gepersonaliseerde behandelplannen, voedingsadvies en de inzet van medische interventies wanneer nodig. Ze streeft naar duurzame resultaten en een betere kwaliteit van leven voor haar patiënten.